Then we went to the port at Souda and boarded early on the ANEK ferry Lato. The company is the only one doing the ro
Same old bad road to Patras, but lovely weather and good progress so that we were in the town with hours to kill and usual paranoia about leaving the car unattended! A clever wheeze! We went to the beachside out-of-town hotel we used on the way down, where we relaxed with a drink and the free WiFi! Later as w
The next ferry has been re-timed so it would be possible to get across Italy without having to spend a night in a hotel, but we had been cautious and so had pre-booked at a great price for the Gran Hotel Italiano in Benevento. This gave us a fairly calm drive over the mountains and a very convenient location in terms of the two Autostrada that make up the route from Patras to Civitavecchia. It was also sunny most of the way - but by the time we were getting lost in the town it was raining!
The nice man offered us a grand suite but with no internet access, so we took another perfectly adequte room with LAN connection - just as well as going for a walking trip round the town was out of the question in the downpour! An afternoon with a very disgruntled laptop and the BBC i-player, followed by a superb E20 table d'hote dinner! Next day was much brighter and we were able to do the tour round this interesting town which is in two parts and has Roman remains.
Then we drove to Civitavecchia - a warm Saturday so fairly heavy traffic and crowded service areas, but a fairly straightforward journey! We sat at one of the seaside cafes within sight of the parked car in warm sun watching many parties from the two cruise ships that were at the port. One was a P&O and the overheard snippet of the afternoon was "Well - it isn't Margate!" We had a lot of time to kill and after getting to the Phillipino seamen's centre just as it was closing we had to find another internet centre. There we were amazed to be able to wrestle with Spanish Telefonica's appalling website and contorted database and get in an order on the last day of their 6Mb broadband offer. We could barely believe it when a confirmation e-mail came back! Knowing how complicated the ferry queueing is we went down to the port as the sun set - only to discover that there was a delay of at least two hours and we would not be boarding until 10.30. We know the passenger terminal pretty well now - and there is not a lot there to amuse:- departure of cruise ships, maybe? When we did emark we were one of the first, there was plenty of space and a nice porter helped us to our cabin. Unfortunately we forgot to note even the deck level we were on which caused grief next evening! The two ships on this route are new and very luxurious. We had a fairly good cabin but the air-conditioning was a bit fierce and gave R a cold. The long day voyage was spent reading and doing things on the laptop, culminating in watching The Lives of Others - a slightly weird experience as at points we couldn't hear the German dialogue of this excellent film set in cold war Berlin because of the loud anti-social behaviour of the Russian tourists nearby.
We had booked two nights at hotel just outside Barcelona city but with parking and easy travel into the city. We had
Nonetheless we had fun walking randomly by the port and in the backstreets. The port has changed in 23 years - with an imposing hotel and a pedestrian walkway! We went back on the ridiculously cheap bus, had a rather poor but cheap dinner at the hotel, and next day went for a bike ride around the area - which includes a very sound beach - before setting off south for our next booked stay.
On the last day we cleared the car and re-packed. The drive to Girona airport was particularly easy as it was a Bank Holiday. Lovely Margarita at Punt Central took the car from us promising a winter fully undercover and drove us to the bus stop. We took the coach to the bus station in Barcelona and had a bit of a crisis about use of the Metro to get out to the airport and our hotel. It is only a couple of stops to Sants where you pick up the line you need. There are three very long and steep staircases to get down to the trains at the nearest station to the bus station. They are currently installing lifts, but this was no help to us with our luggage. A very helpful lady watche
We spent the night a yet another bargain hotel from It was the Frontair Congress near the airport on a huge shopping park. We had a great dinner there and then a free shuttle in the morning. We were booked on an Air Europa flight advertised as going from the old terminals, but we checked online and found it had been consolidated with a Spanair flight from the spanking new Terminal 1. Rather impressive, (and as we had a lower price and larger baggage allowance we were laughing!) We flew to Gran Canaria, and then had a very long wait due to over-cautious planning. We managed to watch an episode of The Sopranos at the gate!
After landing we were lucky with buses and were back in the apartment by 19.45 on Tuesday 13th October - almost six months since we left.