Ours (La Oliva) is one of the last carnivals of the season and takes place well into Lent. It is -thankfully - entirely secular!
The theme this year was "Under the Sea", but this seems to have been a bit of a creative challenge! Some noble efforts on the mermaid, squid, waves, Triton front - but also a predominance of above the sea stuff - especially pirates and the Navy. We were no better and whilst Bob went no further than his Red Sea Sharm-el-Sheikh T shirt, Ruth as you can see went down the Pugwash route. This was all in honour of the Big Procession on Saturday night - followed by a party at the Blue Rock.
Others cared nothing for the theme! Unfortunately we only heard later that dear Pablo had wandered round town (and into the Impescasa supermarket!) in his tights and a (large?) fig leaf dressed (bately) as Adam! Nuns were also big!
Earlier in the week (the whole is ten days) we had been out to watch the procession of the drum bands, but gave other events a miss. They take place on waste ground behind the bus station - where it is always a security problem, and this year was cold at night. (Not good for the convalescent!)
For the high spot of the Drag Show with the winners of competitions on all the islands you needed to be there three hours in advance for a good view!
The procession is huge!
Most floats have a bar and a working barbecue on board - (Health & Safety issues again!)
Not great pics but here we have examples of floats for kids, floats for the serious party animal ....
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