September was not a great month!
The statistics from the weather station:
Max >= 32.0: 7 days, Min <= -18.0: 0 days - so not much beach time!
Max Rain: 17.81 ON 20/09/08 Days of Rain: 3 (> .2 mm) 2 (> 2 mm) 0 (> 20 mm)
and then there was the XL/Kosmar thing and the overall low tourist spending.
There is a real "end of the season" feeling here now - and in the poorer weather some of the tat looks worse.
We walked round the headland. In the "white elephant" commercial port there is the hulk of a boat that was brought in with illegals four or more summers ago.
Further round is the unfinished shell of a hotel or rooms which has been in this state for as long as we can remember. This year it has been tastefully embellished by a grafitti artist with a sense of irony.
Today we visited Mollie's shop which is up for sale.
Other shops have brought out their stock of woolies and rainwear.
On the other hand the better restaurants are still doing well - often with the grey (and/or pink) Euro, and our house cat Scaredy has ventured over the threshold - recognising how pleasant the flat is for cooler days and nights! We are spending time refining the migration plans.