Wednesday, 22 December 2010

We are the champion (and the dead loss)!

We had two weeks or so between the return from GC and the arrival of Chloe. In the middle we embarked on the repair of the raised tiles in the kitchen. Our janitor (who is Uruguayan and has no English) came round, inspected and returned twice with friends for further consulations about how many tiles would have to be lifted and reset. We agreed it would be started on a Sunday morning so we warned neighbours about the noise and cleared the floor and surfaces. The noise and mess was appalling and we were exiles from the kitchen overnight and through the next morning - unable even to get to the wine glasses!

They did a beautiful job, however, with only one cracked tile from the whole exposed floor. We were then faced with the task of emptying every cupboard and drawer, and washing every single item from them.

For Chloe's arrival we borrowed Mike's older car and went down to Puerto del Rosario ahead of time. With us we had our carefully completed applications for Indian visas which needed to be sent by courier to Madrid, as part of a contorted and costly process. (We are planning three weeks in Goa in February with Airmiles collected over many, many years). We then went to the (fairly) newly opened Lidl. We have never seen anything like this on the island. A trolleyful of goodies was purchased and shoved into the boot. We headed for the airport anticipating a liesurely coffee, but as we went through the ticket barrier thare was a terrifying noise from under the bonnet. By the time we reached a parking spot there was dark smoke and a puddle of something underneath. So Chloe's punctual and jolly arrival was preceded and followed by numerous phone calls and the wait for the "grua" man. It was the final demise of the power steering and could have happened any time. There was no room for all three, the luggage and the (extensive) shopping, but as we pondered the bus options we were hailed by Cakes Eileen who was there picking up her auntie. What Luck! Ruth and Chloe and the Lidl booty got a lift to the door.

On Sunday 19th there were mince pies and mulled wine at Hot FM in the morning, followed by the "works outing". Dear Al and Val - the owners - paid for DJs and partners to bowl at CC Papagayo. We were teamed with Geordie John and Catwoman Lynne, and each of us carried away a prize. Bob took the trophy for best score, Lynne that for best girl's performance, John for runner-up and Ruth for an embarrassing lowest score overall. This was the inevitable result of having developed an unwanted spin that intrigued all onlookers. She is very good at Bowling on a Wii! A good night out! The station will be closed on 25th and 26th as so many DJs will be off the island, but Ruth is doing two extra shows (Thursdays 23rd and 30th 12 till 2) to help out. There will be no Christmas songs on her watch!