Only two days previously we had been in Blue Rock discussing him with Steve and Murphy - local musicians. As is usual there were several other people there who - in spite of otherwise impaccable taste - had never heard of him!
Over the years we have been to more of his gigs than any other act, and seen him in many staes of health age and sobriety! Ruth remembers an occasion in Bath in the late seventies with the ex when he was so late coming on stage that the whole of the newly-released double Dylan album was played, and a neighbour in the audience politely asked us our professions before rolling a spliff!
On the day of his death the afternoon DJ on Hot FM was The Swing Kid (young and Swedish). Ruth emailed him with the text from the Guardian. He immediatey read it all, and announced he would dedicate the upcoming hour to his music and that of his fans (Collins, Weller etc) and inspiration (particluarly Nick Drake). This started well, but without notice the plan was revoked and he went back to the original playlist. We wonder if there were complaints. The remark "I guess you have to be very into music to appreciate this" may be a clue.
Anyway the evening and much of the night was spent on a youtube Martyn-fest. Such a sad loss.