Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes our way
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
We were most surprised and delighted last week to win the first “big prize” from Mad Mik on Hot FM. After all, it just meant recognising voices of Nelson Mandela, Harold Wilson and Graeme Norton, spotting lyrics from ancient songs and guessing a couple of mystery years. (Easy-peasy if you are old enough and in the No Work Team - a local brand which might also be in dubious taste at the moment!) Then we were the lucky ones out of the hat and the recipients of 75 euros worth of excursion.
Off down to the Whereabouts office where our neighbour Eileen (as in cakes, fishing and Whereabouts!) not only acted middle-person but volunteered to drive and look after the incontinence pads! The weather was always going to be a problem but eventually it was decided that Saturday was the day.
Cool Runnings start their tours from outside the Bahia Real Hotel on Avenida Grandes Playas. Joining us was a paying Dutch couple who had their own trike and we were led by the magnificent Mark, who is based at the company office in Caleta de Fuste. He is very experienced at these tours. He is knowledgeable about the island, patient in training drivers and flexible about details.
The company does two- and four-hour trips from both Caleta and Corralejo. Ours was a run over to El Cotillo and back, but first there is the training. The hearty Eileen stowed her home-made scones and lemon curd in the locker, donned the helmet and was shown the basics. Skills of both car and bike are needed. The engines are 1.6l VW Beetle, so there is the potential for maximum legal speed (or more on the bit of private road). (Feet for brake and clutch – RH handle-bar for throttle) – and don’t forget the handbrake, Eileen! Tricky too is remembering the width behind. She was soon back from round the block and off on a second circuit for confidence, then declared “passed with flying colours” and we were off.
So off we went - duly buckled-in and helmeted. Passengers sit at a slightly skew angle which takes some time to acclimatise – but it is all secure and basically comfortable.
Cool Runnings start their tours from outside the Bahia Real Hotel on Avenida Grandes Playas. Joining us was a paying Dutch couple who had their own trike and we were led by the magnificent Mark, who is based at the company office in Caleta de Fuste. He is very experienced at these tours. He is knowledgeable about the island, patient in training drivers and flexible about details.
So off we went - duly buckled-in and helmeted. Passengers sit at a slightly skew angle which takes some time to acclimatise – but it is all secure and basically comfortable.
First – a run down and back to the Corralejo dove statue for publicity and regal waves – then off on
the bus route –through Villaverde and La Oliva – after which we pulled up in a lay-by for Mark to share local history and customs. As half-year residentes we knew much of this – but what is different is the experience of fresh air – essence de goat etc and the wind in the hair (well – in the vizor!). In fact the wind was pretty gusty at times – gloves and socks advised!
After El Roque we went through the village at El Cotillo and down to the lighthouse. This gives a bit of space for a burn-up on the private road. Then back for a coffee at the New Harbour – where the sun shone well, and back via Lajares.
After El Roque we went through the village at El Cotillo and down to the lighthouse. This gives a bit of space for a burn-up on the private road. Then back for a coffee at the New Harbour – where the sun shone well, and back via Lajares.
The cl
ouds blackened, but we managed to miss the rain except for the last three minutes!
A really unusual experience for us grey ones – but great fun, very professional and recommended – many thanks Hot FM, Whereabouts and Cool Runnings! (and special thanks to Eileen!)
A really unusual experience for us grey ones – but great fun, very professional and recommended – many thanks Hot FM, Whereabouts and Cool Runnings! (and special thanks to Eileen!)