Sunday 12 April 2009

Ain't No Cure .....

On the Friday night there was a stunning storm. On Canarian TV there were scenes of deep flooding in Tenerife which had a five hour power cut, and of hail on our island - stones the size of ping-pong balls in Caleta de Fuste! Panic in town where the Blues Festival was in progress!

Down at the new Carnaval site they had been demolishing the tarpaulin cover and beer kiosks through the week. Suddenly during Saturday they went back and all the music kit was installed for the evening performance.

Our main business of the day was to borrow a car to pick up Chloe and Chris (and the new laptop...thanks Tesco for lousy, lousy delivery service!!!) from the airport - the rain had stopped! They arrived without mishap except an hour to collect the guitar. We went for tapas and saw some of the Blues before the rain started again! (We think it was more funk than blues, but heh!)

During the week C&C chilled, sunbathed on the two or three good days, planned their summer and even cooked!

Here is tapas Chloe-style including a magnificent tortilla!

A lot of Scrabble was played when the sun went in!