Tuesday 19 February 2008

.. and probably its best bit!

Puerto Mogan in the South West of GC was highly recommended and we had spent a lot of time trying to find somewhere to stay there, without success. So we went for the day on a bus that followed the coastline rather than the motorway and therefore took us into and (thankfully) out of such places as Puerto Rico!
Mogan is at the mouth of a ravine so the ride in and out is rather hairy and the scope for tourist accommodation is limited. This - and an unremarkable beach - meant we were relieved not to be there for a fortnight! As a little town - however -it is charming! It is known as the Venice of the Canaries and has real people living and working there - including running small restaurants with fresh sardines. A bit like Corralejo old town, and worth several days of exploring! Coming back we discovered the fast bus, and this - a comprehensive service with plenty of stops near hotels etc - is another strength of the island. (They are rather coy about issuing the timetable, though - unless you sk in Spanish!)

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