Sunday 27 April 2008

Calypso - Collapso!

The sainted Mick conveyed a message that Barry & Jenny at the Calypso had their Friday out-of-season social that evening, so we went! The great and the good and some of the rest of Paleochora's anglophone residents were there and we got our first sighting of the brand new Calypso! - It is two doors away from the old one in the former Spanish restaurant and rather swish!

The old one has been being demolished since the next day!

We were invited to B&J's twins' 6th birthday party on the Monday at the end of the sandy beach.

Again- great company and some serious sun for the afternoon! Fun for the kids - no photos - and for the adults:- here is Mick doing his Gumby impression!
"It's... it's...."