Sunday 20 December 2009

Fish and quips

Recovery from the trauma of our return journey took a few days! During the three weeks up until Chloe's arrival we have mostly doing very little - Bob renewed his gym membership and Ruth has been a guest on Fridays on Eileen's show on Hot FM. There is even a risk that she will learn about the knobs and go solo. As it is she has been taking in and talking about her themed playlists. Great fun!
Whilst talking to Eileen one day we mentioned that we liked mackerel and next day her partner Chris turned up at Africa's shack with two shiny caballas. (not caballos - which is horses!) As our resident "Chris the Fish" he knows a thing or two about such things and had just caught three. He stood in the shallows to gut and clean them, as all the fishermen here do. They were very tasty baked in foil for twenty minutes with lemon juice and plenty of pepper!
Meanwhile Corralejo's street refurbishment is nearly complete, and we have our first ever wind turbines - two of them near the desalination plant. If they had been in service they would have been busy over the last couple of weeks.! The weather changed on 29th November and we have had some funny weather - including the unusual South wind, and some downpours. There have been a lot of converstions around "Yes, but look at the UK!" Quite so!