Sunday 8 August 2010

Plain Sailing?

On Monday we celebrated our Silver Wedding Anniversary (and 27 years together). We had  a bucks fizz breakfast and a beautiful day on the beach, then we took sticky Greek cakes round to our neighbours and had dinner a deux at the Small Garden. Our main little party, however, was on Wednesday and involved dinner for 13 at the Corali :- this was about 60% of the YiaYiaGaGa Club (with Eva already departed and Charlie & Gaby not yet arrived), the French contingent and Eoin's brother & sister-in-law!
We had ordered a cake from the bakers, with instructions on the decoration. Bob picked it up before the "do" and reported that there was "something missing"! Breath was baited until presentation time. As expected we had sand- and sea-coloured stuff. some palm trees and parasols, and there -sitting on a pile of cream was a single male figure in white Speedos (looking like Barbie's Ken!). A strange celebration of "togetherness"! Great fun though, lovely gifts aand cards, and a long session afterwards at the former-Coconuts.
Since then - two developments - we have a Southampton-registered luxury yacht moored at the Skala port with red ensign flying - Shalimar II. We have tried to find out more about the owner - but suspect it is chartered by US contractors from the Souda NATO base, who were throwing money and voices around at Atoli's live music gig last night. Also our first two-storey bar has just opened (called SunSea or similar!) in an old house between Votsalo and Maria's. It is aimed at young people (!!) and thus of little interest to us. Yesterday we sat next door during an unbeachable windy afternoon and it was full of Chania folk down for the evening's (unremarkable) beach party.