Monday 9 May 2011

Ah! Cuisine francaise - but perhaps not as we know it!

A really easy getaway from the parking lot. They are SO good!
Then we drove over the Pyrenees and straight to Le Grau d'Agde and Les Mimosas, where we thought it would be trivial to get a mobile home for a week or so. Not so! They did a lot of fiddling and then found us 3-bedroom one at 2-bedroom price! Madame in fact did remark on the potential for conjugal arguments! Jolly fine too, so at the end of the week we took three more nights. We had pretty good weather throughout - (just one wet evening!) - and - as praised last autumn - there are the three zones well-linked by cycle tracks, and all with great restaurants. But - of course - this isn't a holiday, so restraint must be exercised, with a good proportion of home catering and cheap cafeterias!
On the first night we went down to the nearby Hyper-U and its Crescendo cafeteria. We picked up a bowl of mixed salad and went to a neighbouring table for dressing. Bob thought something looked like a thick vinaigrette and poured on copious amounts. It wasn't!
To paraphrase:

"The dressing that's a blessing smells of mustard - not of custard!
Tho' no label there's a ladle for the brew that is true!"

(We still wonder if the bowl we hid at the back of the counter might have emerged and given a punter a shock!)
Later in the week we decided to risk THE OYSTER!

Ruth has been reluctantly avoiding them since two very nasty and messy incidents in the Vendee and Whitstable in 2004 and 2005 respectively! So with baited breath and confronted by wonderful displays of seafood beside the marina in Cap d'Agde, we bought a mixed plate. Totally delicious - especially with the local Picpoul de Pinet! And the good news is - no allergy!

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