Saturday 30 July 2011

Getting warmer!

 The full moon was on the 15th, and a beautiful "red" moon followed it for two evenings, but it was preceded by some dramatic wind! A few hardy souls continued to go down to the sea, using upturned sunbeds against the sandblasting, but for most it was "unbeachable" for five days:- not too good for Brits on a Tuesday transfer! Not too good either for our neighbour Yiannis and family down at the re-opened and extended cantina:- once there it offered quite good shelter, but the walk along the beach was rough!

Take a seat!

After the full moon the weather changed and we had a heatwave that lasted until our departure. Temperatures of 38C were regularly reported. The pace of life also started to heat up. We had a series of weddings, including that of Fani - youngest of the three brothers at the "crossroads" grill house. The place was closed (and chairless) for three nights and the boys still looked grim the next night. There has been a range of live music, too:- including a session with a French sitar player and his backing track. Greyrocks liked it, but it did not do much for Atoli's takings:- unlike our final Saturday when Angel Skordilis was there with his full band, and in steaming heat there was a mighty fine gig!

 Finally the quality of folk in town was much improved in the final week with the arrival of the Hamburg and Bremen chapters. Faithful blog-followers John and Barbara caught up with us on our final evening, as did YiaYia GaGa club member Eva. Gunter and friend Heidi had seen us a day or so earlier, and it is with G in mind that Greyrocks has used "unbeachable" earlier in the post. He teaches English and was kind about the text and vocabulary of the blog. We spent a silly amount of time discussing the provenance of the word, and its possible translation into German: possibly Unstrandgebar!
So after too much ouzo we returned home to prepare for our "holiday!"

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