Monday 7 July 2014

All the sevens!

Today is a milestone for Greyrocks!

It is 7 years to the day since it officially left the UK on 07.07.07!

In that time Yvette has clocked up 37 000 miles in her half-year ramblings over 12 European nations, both State Pensions have clicked in, we have established ourselves in the Spanish Health Service, one of us has lost 30 percent of body weight (and the other hasn't!), the offspring has obtained two degrees and had two and a half gap years and now a real job, two UK properties have been almost continually let, and we believe we still have sufficient marbles to just about maintain the blog and the spreadsheets!

 As supporting evidence here is the definitive data on seven years as nomads:-

"Cheer!.. Here's to the next......"



  1. Happy anniversary, Ruth & Bob! Our school year finally came to and end yesterday and I'll be on my way to Paleohora on July 14. Looking forward to seeing you there and then!
