Friday 29 January 2016

What goes round comes round!

There was great jubilation in the Greyrocks household last week when Ruth was able to report that she had turned the pedal (albeit in the wrong direction!) of the exercise bicycle during Physiotherapy! There were only a few slow and painful rotations, but as it is almost six months since she was last able to ride a bike this was indeed cause for celebration and a real ride on a real bike remains a major goal!

Since the knee replacement wheels have meant the hired wheelchair, and this was returned on Tuesday. It had not been used much of late but we retained it until the departure of ChloĆ« and Jack. Ruth's mobility is improving day-by-day, but confidence is the key. Watch this space for news (and photo?) of a February launch.

Essentially what we ate for NYE!
One essential use of the wheelchair was around New Year. We received a last-minute invitation for the evening from Jill and Dave, but had already booked and paid for a meal at Marquesina. Nonetheless we dropped in which meant climbing two steep staircases. It was worth it for the  company, and the spread, which we had to eschew - was impressive, but the effort and discomfort took its toll. By having our NYE dinner at Marquesina Greyrocks was resuming an abandoned practice. We had done so (we think) each year from 1992 to 2003. In 2004 and 2005 the Great Fire meant we missed out on being in town, but from then on we have been relishing in Caracoles' surprise menu. The desire for lobster took us back in time to the newly tarted-up Marquesina, and it was well worth it! Unfortunately having enjoyed a leisurely meal we faced a couple hours until midnight, a biting wind, a wheelchair and crowded bars so we trundled home and fell asleep barely registering the end of 2015!

Next day - after traditional "Round the Horne" we went trundling again - this time to Blue Rock which was serving Bloody Mary and various worthies had brought sausage rolls etc. The sun shone and it was packed. Ruth sat in the wheelchair and felt like the Queen Mother having moved on to the gin! Then we went home and had a repeat of Xmas dinner.

The weather through January has been what we hope for but have not been getting for several years. The sea is still too cold for bathing but we have had some beautifully sunny afternoons. One exception was the eve of Kings Day when Their Majesties arrive in the morning from Lanzarote and later process down the main drag. The weather was disgusting and for the first time Greyrocks did not bother with even a glimpse. The day itself was fine, the town heaving for the holiday and we took a stroll during the afternoon and had an early Indian! At last the festivities were over! Normality with its three physio sessions per week resumed.

ChloĆ« and Jack spent nine days with us later in the month, and the weather was particularly good. They largely did their own thing but we took them to the Bahia Real spa for J's birthday  This included a long lunch at Coco Beach where they developed a taste for a Tenerife white wine! Expensive tastes, that girl!

1 comment:

  1. Fame at last !!!!! Was great meeting up with y'all, can't wait till September when we can all gather again for some proper ouzo instilled silliness.... :-)

    Chris & Jann XXX
