Tuesday 15 March 2016

"That´s the way to do it!"

"Throw the baby down the stairs"
Not for the first time those who plan these things for our municipio came up with a carnival theme that seemed good at first sight but proved to be a problem on the fancy dress front!

"World of Toys"! Claire at Blue Rock rose to the challenge and the bar was decorated with representations of Lego, Scalextric, Etch-a-Sketch etc:- all inanimate objects and it failed to inspire Greyrocks! And then, well into the week itself the muse arrived. Ruth would go as Judy - a puppet and thus qualifying. The traditional slapstick seaside show is not part of Spanish culture, but Hey!  As the costume came together we realised she would resemble the model outside an old town unremarkable restaurant, and indeed on the night the only recognitions outside the Brit-Irish community were a local addressing Ruth as "cocinera" - cook on account of the sausages and an Italian who said "Pulcinello"! We ate at Chicken George´s as usual for a (warm) view of the carnival procession, which was a pretty good one. The best costume on the streets was a pack of four beautiful chicas dressed in fluffy white net frocks with red or black symbols for each suit of cards! Ruth lost the "slapstick" and bits of the baby along the way. Later, at the Rock, we walked straight  past the Sandies who were in native American dress with black wigs.

Bob refused to do anything along the Punch line but did wear and use occasionally the very silly Papa Lazarou T-shirt donated by Chloë, thus making another reference that would mean nothing to most people in town, but caused hilarity amongst some! By the end of the evening he felt that one was enough on the wives front!

Greyrocks and their physio -RRRo
Other staff, and punters
Earlier in the week we went for Bob´s first sessions of physiotherapy for the frozen shoulder. He was getting 3 sessions a week for five weeks paid for by the Canarian Health Service. Ruth was coming to the end of her sessions at the same place very much paid for by Greyrocks! The first session was about Ruth translating what the staff wanted to say to him, the second involved taking in food! Ruth had been given notice that the morning would be "fiesta de carnaval", so arriving for 10.30 am we saw the venue had a table heaving with a bizarre range of goodies and a few tinnies in the ice-pack fridge. Furthermore there was a bag of masks, wigs and garlands.  All pretty silly - but Hey! that's Carnaval!

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