Friday 24 April 2020

Good News, Bad News!

Pretty self-explanatory, and sourced from El Diario!
Almost six weeks of lockdown now, and the good news is that the island continues its status as minimally touched by the Covid-19 infection itself. The Canaries vies with the Balearics and Murcia in league tables of the state of spread, and our island of Fuerteventura continues to be clear of all associated deaths. The number of "active" cases has fluctuated this week between an all-time low of 11 and today stands at 13 Greyrocks' home "municipio" has just 1! This hasn't stopped it having the most active policing - to the point of official complaint. We have managed to dodge it on most of our individual trips to the supermarket, and in the last few days there has been a much lower presence. This is perhaps because car journeys have greatly increased since Monday when construction and manufacturing could resume. cars may only have a maximum of two occupants - with any passenger being in the back. So good news:- we are most unlikely to pick up the virus here, and the heavy policing is easing along with the regulations.

The bad news is that the restrictions on adults getting some exercise remain in place. From Sunday children can be taken out for an hour with a few other limitations but the childless and dog-less are still required to stay at home. Many representations are being made from the Canaries for early lifting of the lockdown, and it is possible that the three barely- affected islands might lead the way. (Graciosa. La Gomera and El Hierro)

But when??????
 However there is an irony here in that it  is very bad news for migratory species such as Greyrocks! With tourism being so crucial to the economy but risky in terms of importing infection the resumption of inward flights needs to be very tightly regulated, so our leaders have asked that we be the last region to be opened up. Hence we have no idea when we might be able to fly out and start the summer!

..this is where are!

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