Wednesday 29 April 2020

"You aint goin' nowhere!"

Last Friday there was great excitement in the Greyrocks home as details were published in the press of the proposal for deescalation for the autonomous region of Canarias! It was a complicated four stage process, which, it was said could - if approved on Sunday - start next day with provision for"exercise" and for the over-65's to be "let out" everyday from 11 to 1, and other adults fairly free movement but on alternate days based on house number. It came with messages about Madrid's acceptance of our special circumstances, and Ruth spent hours - despite her post-Thursday hangover - translating, summarising and forwarding it. However there was a particular discrepancy with regard to children throughout Spain, who were to be allowed to go out - with specific conditions from Sunday. Sunday came and went with that being the most notable development. We would hear about the overall plan on Tuesday, apparently!
We saw a few children with adults from our balcony and when Ruth popped to the supermarket she passed a woman accompanying two girls with bikes and she greeted them with a jolly "Por fin!" (at last) which was returned with a smile! Throughout the day we saw many such groups and it all seemed gentle, with no evident policing but in line with the "rules". However we have since heard that on our nearby promenade there was a lot of rule-bending!

After that the "hour per day" for under-14's has become the norm, and it also seems that the troops have left for somewhere less "cushy"! News snippets indicated that the Canarian proposal was not being warmly welcomed. and this morning the details of the national plan emerged with just a couple of minor concessions over timing for the major islands (treated separately) and a considerable acceleration for La Gomera, El Hierro and La Graciosa. Ruth had a go at processing the press report. It is here in all its contorted glory. (to follow) Let's see how it goes, but the sense is emerging that movement off the island is going to be a long way off! Watch this space, but we are pondering where  to go for that first meal out - on May 11th, after consuming a take-away Chinese on May 4th!

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